Aaron Bulkley

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Texas Hunt Lodge
Africa Hunt Lodge
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MissBerly's Designs
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Exotic Hunting Blog

Blog History
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September 2006
August 2006

Cattail Falls
Boat Wreck
Louisville - Friday Night

Friends and their Kids
Devine Night Out
Day to Day
2006 Photos

March 2007 Entries

March 29th

So, did I mention that my sister has changed her name...sort of? She is pursuing an acting career and is now going by "Buckley" WFT? Well, if you get a chance, check out her new MySpace page to see her head shots and reels.
courtney bulkley - actress
Other than, Augusta is boring...that's why I'm online at midnight and not out tearing up the town. Actually, I'm chatting online right now with Mia, Randy's girlfriend. She graduates from Massage school on Sunday and is starting her own business, Healing Hands by Mia. If you need a massage, hot stone, whatever, I can hook you up with her number in Austin.


March 28th

Crazy times in Augusta...been busy as heck, and Gwen has been in the hospital here until today. She was finally discharged this morning, and she and her father flew back to Austin this evening.
Gwen Hanson in her hospital bed
The good news is that the tumor looks to be benign...the bad news is that it is very large and she'll need surgery to remove it ASAP. Hopefully, she'll be in the OR by this time next week and get on the road to recovery.

Other than that, I'm just hanging out working in Augusta still. Will be back in Austin in 2 weeks from today. I miss my dog dammit!

Check out some new pictures! AB

March 26th

So, it's 2:00am...I've been in the ER at University Hospital in Augusta for 8 hours now. My friend, Gwen, that came to visit me in Augusta this weekend, was admitted at 5:30. We were out having drinks yesterday, everything was normal, and then at 4:00am, I awoke to her choking and having a seizure. After I was comfortable with her not dying on me, she went back to sleep, and didn't remember a thing this morning. She had a few smaller seizures today, so we went ahead and decided to visit the ER...3 hours later, we found out that she has a tumor in her brain.

Needless to say, this has been a very long day, and I can't imagine being in her shoes right now. I've just come back from the hospital, and don't think that I'll be able to sleep very well tonight. I will pray for her until I see her in the morning. She will probably be flown via Hospital Airplane to Austin tomorrow or the next day. I'm speechless, and delirious at this point. Everyone, please pray for her and her family.

March 23rd

4 Days without internet...finally back up and running, so you folks get 2 posts in a single day. It took my cable guy 3 hours to wire our house. I'm ready for the weekend...my friend, Gwen, is going to hang out in Augusta with me this weekend, and I'm sure we'll find plenty of trouble to get into.
St. Patrick's Day at fado
I woke up at like 2:00am this morning to some guys trying to steal our patio furniture off the hospitality deck. I looked through the window, and this guy said to his other buddy, "Yo dawg, them peeps at home...let's split" I'm going to Lowe's now to install some motion lights...I'm not gonna have any of that shit around here...I've got enough things to worry about over the next couple of weeks.

Well, gotta run...take it easy!

March 21st

Good Ol' Augusta. Been here for a full day now, and all is good. I've been busy as hell getting this house cleaned up and ready for the Masters in a couple of weeks. I bought a ton of outdoor furniture today for our party deck, 4 beds and some used bedroom furniture, and spent about $300 at Wal-Mart on misc. crap.
Ticket City House in Augusta, GA
My internet and cable doesn't get installed until Friday, so no one will probably see this until that time...sorry for the delay folks...I know you all are screaming for your "Aaron Blog Fix".

Back to work...Hope everyone is well.

March 19th

Ugh! I've been driving all day...left Austin this morning at 6:00am and just hit Montgomery, Alabama a little while ago...8:00pm. Just over 800 miles of driving. I'm waking up real early and knocking out the last 300 miles to Augusta.
Henderson swamp in Louisiana
The drive was OK except for 100 miles or so of I-10 near the Texas/Louisiana border...they still haven't repaired those roads since Hurricane Katrina. My head is still bobbing up and down from all of the pot-holes in the road.
Well, I'm exhausted...just ate some food at the waffle house next door, now need to watch some CSI Miami and hit the sack.
Til manana...

March 17th

Happy St. Patty's Day! You wouldn't believe this nut I live next to. I just woke up, literally 10 minutes ago, to let the dog out...I go back to bed, and my dog won't shut up...she's barking uncontrollably so I had to go back out and check out what's going on.
Aaron's Crazy Neigbor
So, my crazy neighbor is doing yard work in a haz-mat suit...are you kidding me? It's like 50 degrees outside...nothing is going to get you. And look at that bright red fanny pack...does she pack her bee anti-venom in there? This lady is killing me...go back inside so my dog will quit barking please!

March 16th

Last day in Austin for awhile...I will be back April 11th, so 3 1/2 weeks out in beautiful Augusta. If anyone gets a wild hair, come see me. Only a 2 hour drive from Atlanta. I'm driving the company vehicle out there, leaving Sunday night/Monday morning. 17 hour drive, so I'll probably stay the night somewhere along the way.
Augusta National, Augusta, Georgia
Taryne and Jenna are taking care of Luka for me while I'm gone. Now, I just need to find someone to get my mail and bills for me.

Anyway, I'll be posting some cool pics from the Masters and my road trip adventures. Stay tuned!

March 15th

Ouch...I hurt today. Stayed out too late last night with Gwen and Zach. I met up with Kris and Megan at Home Slice for dinner, then hit up Lucky Lounge for an Alpha Rev show. My buddy from college, Alex Dunlap, plays bass for them. They honestly sound like Coldplay, but not as sad, so it's better.
Alpha Rev at Lucky Lounge, Austin, TX
2 more days in the office, then off to Georgia for 3 weeks. I'll be at Fado pretty much all day on Saturday, so make sure you get your ass down there and say "Goodbye".

March 14th

Had a couple of crazy days lately. If you haven't heard yet, my mother was in a serious car accident on Monday around 2:00pm. Click Here for the article in the Kerrville Daily Times.
Big Bend Sunset Picture - taken by Jenna Stokes
She is in stable condition now at University Hospital in San Antonio. She has 8 broken ribs and thus is in a shit load of pain.

I'm back in Austin now, and getting ready to leave for Augusta. I've got to take the company vehicle, the Beast, to get detailed, oil changed, etc before I drive the 16 hour trip to Georgia. Should wrap all my work stuff up by Friday at noon, then I have one last party weekend in Austin. I'm thinking hit the lake Friday afternoon into the evening, then celebrate St. Patrick's Day with a good ole' Irish Breakfast, head up to Fado's by noon, and drink Guiness until I can't stand up anymore. I'll probably sleep most of Sunday, then as soon as I get up, hit the road for Georgia.

If you're in Austin this weekend, hit up Fado's to find me. Also, check out the Random Photos page for a couple of new pictures of the Big Bend trip. Photos by world renowned photographer, Jenna Stokes.

March 12th

Back from a great vacation. Much to talk about and there will be some new pages going up as soon as I get the pictures from Jenna. Here is my new song/video of the week...love it.
So, a brief overview of the trip. Had a great time on our rafting trip, then on Friday we hung out at the Starlight Theatre...my goal was 9 Patron/Contreau Margaritas, but I only made it to 8. After dinner, we headed over to the monthly bar dance and met some locals. I was exhausted and only made it about 2 more beers before I headed back to the motel to crash. Taryne and Jenna stayed up all night looking at the stars.

Saturday morning, we had some huge breakfast burritos from Kathy's Kosmic Kowgirl Kafe...we had met Kathy the night before at Starlight and then again at the barn dance. We drove out to Cattail Falls and hiked about 3 miles up to the waterfall just as Taryne nearly knocked herself out. We were hiking through some huge boulders and I guess she slipped and slammed her head into a huge rock. She had a nasty little cut and bled a bit, so we rested by the waterfall before we hiked back out. We then drove down to Santa Elena Canyon, and hiked up to the overlook. Again, beautiful and classic Big Bend.

From there, we had lunch in Terlingua, then drove through Lajitas towards Presidio.

We drove through Presidio, and then finally ended up in Marfa around 6:30. We checked into the Hotel Paisano (where the movie "Giant" was filmed). We had a horrible dinner (wait service sucked and they were out of everything) at Maiya's Restaurant in Marfa. Then, we went back to the Paisano, had some drinks outside in the courtyard, and crashed for the night. We left Marfa around 7:30 yesterday and got back to Austin just as the rain was coming down around 4:30.

I'm home for a week, then off to Augusta this weekend for a 3 week work trip.

March 9th

Viva Terlingua! Just got off a 2 Day Rafting trip through the lower canyons of Big Bend on the Rio Grande. Many stories to tell, but to summarize, we had a blast.
Big Bend Santa Elena Canyon Picture
We camped in Mexico last evening and watched a nice sunset. Our rafting guide, Capitan John Le Roy with Far Flung Adventures, cooked up a feast for us over the camp fire; New York Strip Steaks, Potatoes, veggies, etc. We were going to splurge on some great berries and pound cake, but got too drunk and forgot about dessert.

Jenna has taken some awesome photos out here, so there definitely will be a Big Bend photo page Part II very soon. I don't have internet connection here, so posting this will just have to wait until manana. We're about to take a much needed shower now, then head on over to the Starlight Theatre for some of Robert's prickley pear cactus margaritas and enchiladas. Tomorrow, we're hiking to Cat Tail Falls, Santa Elena Canyon, then driving the back way towards Lajitas. From there, it's lunch, and then a scenic drive to Marfa via Presidio.

March 5th

Today is my last day at work for the week. I'm taking off tomorrow to hang out on the lake, run errands, etc. before I leave for Big Bend on Wednesday. Luca is staying with Taryne and Jenna's dog at the Vet Clinic Kennel.
1st place trophy - Ticket City Golf Invitational
Above is my first place trophy from last week's TC golf invitational...it's bigger than it appears, really! No really!

I have a 2nd blog now, sorta, that I'm posting on less than regularly. It's the Ticket City Blog. A Ticket Blog from People in the Ticket business. Anyway, I'll be writing, along with other employees at Ticket City, about different events that I attend, about my job, etc. There will also be a link on the left of my website, so check it out every now and then.

March 2nd

Happy Birthday Gary D Lux and Mike Rains...you lucky Bastards were born on Texas Independence Day! No I haven't called you yet, and probably won't, but at least I didn't forget. This day is going to be long...only 9:48am...UGH!
Happy Birthday Gary Lux!
Well, believe it or not, my team won our company golf tournament yesterday...that's right, 1st place baby! Trophy is on my desk.

I need some sleep...have a couple of meetings today, then I need to go home and rest. I've been going and going all week and my body is finally feeling the stress and work from this week, as well as a few too many beers from the golf tournament.
Focker OUT!

Cell Phone Pics
Viola Hook Em
Rose Bowl 2010
Water Buffalo
TTHA Booth
Skinning Station
Elk Hanging
Poker Tourney
Under Construction
Zurich Fan Zone
Smallest Car Ever
Christophe Latour
Jason Duggan
Nice Rack
Churchill Downs
Paris Souffle
Front Porch - Terlingua
Hotel Paisano
Cool & the Gang
Edison in LA
Luca Hiding
New Work Computer
Austin Traffic
Vegas - Pure
Thanksgiving Turkey
Stones @ Zilker Park
My Axis
Austin Business Awards
Chuck's Pumpkins
Lounge Singer
Cats Sleeping
TX vs Ohio State
My 4 Wheeler
Italy Celebrates

3 yr old
Brave Hunter
Jesus is Watching
Best Buy Boy
Dick in a Box
Taco! Taco!
Cat Massage
Damn Hogs

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