Aaron Bulkley

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Cattail Falls
Boat Wreck
Louisville - Friday Night

Friends and their Kids
Devine Night Out
Day to Day
2006 Photos

July 2007 Entries

July 31st

Last day of the month...so, here's a short one, and a plug for Ticket City...they have a new Free College Fantasy Football website up where you can win prizes
funny dog pic
including BCS National Championship tickets.

Thought for the Day: Handle each situation as if you were a dog...

If you can't eat it, or screw it;

Piss on it, and walk away!

July 30th

Only 4 weeks to go before I move to Paris! In case you haven't heard, I'll be running our Rugby World Cup operation from Paris August 28th - October 21st. I've got a nice apartment near the area called "Opera", and an office at the top of the Louis Vuitton Building on Champs Elysées. You can see the Arch de Triumph from my office window...pretty cool.
my apartment in Paris
Gary Lux is planning on coming over around Sept 30th, and we're heading over to Germany for Oktoberfest for a couple of days. This will be his first trip to Europe, so we're gonna do it right...he'll probably stay around a week, and I have some down time during his stay as well.

This past weekend, Michael Guerra hosted a "Guys night out in San Antonio"...Doug M. flew down from Oklahoma, and about 15 guys made it out for dinner, PT's, and then Cowboys Dance hall. At the end of the night though, it was just JZ, Gary and I, finishing off the rest of the beer on Guerra's back porch at 5:00am. I'm still exhausted from Saturday night, and have decided that I just can't go out partying like I used to...I'm limiting myself to 1 day a week now...the other mornings and afternoons will be reserved for mountain biking or running with my dog.

If you want to meet Gary and I in Munich, let me know soon...oh, and make sure you go get a passport! They are backed up to about 3 months to get one.

July 26th

Happy Birthday Edi Jakob! That's right, I got a phone call from Kris this afternoon, from the delivery room, letting me know that Megan gave birth to Edi Jakob today. I didn't get too many details, but I
Edi Jakob
think she came a bit early and weighs between 5-6 lbs. Congrats Kris and Megan!

And in the high-tech age that we live in, I already have pictures...enjoy...

Edi Jakob with Megan Edi Jakob - 1 minute old

July 25th

Today is funny picture day...in fact, I think we're going to have one of these every week. Why? Because I have a ton of funny pictures to share which wouldn't make sense in any other context.
Bad Ass Dude
Not that this post will make much sense, but, well, you get the idea...Click the Links!

So, Shane Hill, Gary Lux, Zach Mills and I were supposed to hit the lake today, but it hasn't stopped raining for a month now. Gary wanted to hit up the Rose or Sugars as a back up plan, but now JZ says he can only go someplace PG. All I really wanted to do today was get some wakeboarding in this afternoon.

But because of the rain, I'm not at a stripbar with the boys, or the lake...I'm sitting in my cube at work trying to earn my paycheck. I'm supposed to have dinner with Stephanie Eberhardt tonight at Little Thailand. Afterwards, I'm either catching a show up at Momo's or heading over to Dallas Night Club for typical cowboy stuff. I'll let you know how the night turns out.

July 23rd

I have jury duty tomorrow...in all of my 29 years, 11 being in Austin, and of age to serve, I have never been summoned for Jury Duty. I'm probably going to say something ridiculous to
Foundation Room at Mandalay Bay
get out of it tomorrow. Too much stuff happening at the office this week.

So, I'm back from Vegas...long weekend. We went out last Thursday in Austin... Joanie, Jason, Ronny, Gilbert, and Jason's friend Sara all hit SpeakEasy, Prague, and Fado. Then, I woke up too early on Friday to drop off Luka at the kennel and head to the airport. Got to Vegas around 10:00am, checked into the Wynn, and headed straight to the conference (NATB).

I saw alot of old faces, met some new ones, and networked for the most of the day. We took Stub Hub guys out to dinner that evening...we invited them, but at the end of dinner and 6 very expensive bottles of wine, Mia convinced them to play credit card roulette with us...they lost...$2500. We all headed over to the Red Square at Mandalay Bay afterwards...my favorite vodka and martini bar, then were invited up to the Foundation Room at the top of Mandalay Bay...The absolute best view of the strip in Vegas (see above).

Left the Foundation room around 1:00am, played craps til 6:00am, then watched the sun come up as I fell asleep in my bed at the Wynn...what a great view that was. I woke up at 10:00am, had some breakfast, then prepared for a meeting at 2:00pm. At 5:00, I was at another happy hour, and ready to go out again. Instead, Randy, Mia, Joanie and I all had dinner at Tableau, and then I was asleep by 10:30pm...in Vegas, on a Saturday night...yes, I am very lame!

I was back in Austin by 12:30 yesterday...went shopping for some new sheets and large king sized pillows (trying to duplicate my bed at the Wynn)...had the best night's sleep in a long time last night...I've nearly succeeded. I cooked up a fabulous Italian feast last evening, and now I can't wait to get back home to jump into it again.

July 19th

I went out to Dallas Night Club last night for a few $.69 beers and to visit with some friends. My cousins JZ and Chris joined me as well as Joanie, Lindsey E and Lindsey G, Bruce, and Zach. I didn't stay out all night getting drunk...I left around midnight and was up at 7:00 today. As I was leaving Dallas last night, I found next door to the dance hall, a Kolache joint, called "Kolache Shoppe"...I couldn't sleep all night
Rolling the Dice
partially due to my cravings for those Kolaches, so I hit them up this morning for some great bacon and cheese, sausage and cheese, and meatball kolaches.

Well, I'm off to Vegas in the morning...will be hitting the craps tables this weekend. Hopefully, I'll have a few lucky rolls and pay for my trip. I typically walk away from a craps table once I hit around $1000. With a dime in my pocket, that will make for a very fun evening in Vegas...you just don't need to gamble any more at that point. The most I've ever won at a single sitting was around $3500...but it was Roulette, in Shreveport, for Kris Jakob's bachelor party (marriage to Penny). It was 7:00am in the morning, and I had no clue what I was doing at that point. I bought everyone Whataburger on the way home...what a guy, huh?

July 18th

1st off, 2 new videos today...the first one is my favorite; a 3 yr old girl talking about monsters...turn it up. The other is a one brave and lucky hunter.

They can be found under "Videos" to the right of the page.
New Videos
So, I booked my hunting trip for November 11th - November 17th. Elk hunting in Alberta, between Calgary and Edmonton. I can take one guest, so if you're interested ($600 plus flight), let me know. You would be able to hunt with me, just not shoot. The fee covers your meals and accomodations in Alberta.

I'm also looking to book a fishing trip in August...probably 16th-19th since unfortunately the Mexico - Lake Amistad trip has been cancelled. Let me know if you're interested...thinking either Mexico, Washington State, or worse case scenario, Lake Buchanan striper fishing.

July 17th

So, I'm really getting closer to changing the format of my blog where each daily post will have it's own page, and readers will be able to post commments...it just looks like more and more work the further I get into it... therefore,
the theme today and picture, "This is going to suck...but has to be done"

2 more days til Vegas...I've got a ton of folks that I'm meeting out there. Mostly ticket guys that I work with regulary but not from my office or company, and this is the one time of the year where no one will be working, we get to relax with a few drinks, play some craps, and get stupid with each other.

I believe that JZ and I are going on a bike ride today...I am at least. Don't know how serious he was about it. I need to get out there and burn off about 500 calories. It rained earlier today, so at least it will be nice and cool out. There's also a Ticket City Softball game at 8:00...it's a Co-ed team, so really not that fun. I think I'm gonna miss it tonight...my shoulder injury from 2 years ago is still killing me these days, and if I go out and throw a ball around, bat a few times, I'm gonna be kicking myself tomorrow.

July 16th

Short week for me this week...well only 4 days rather than 5 here in the office. I'm heading up to Vegas on Friday morning for a NATB conference (National Assoc. of Ticket Brokers). We have a few meetings, a trade show, some happy hours, lunch, etc, then it's party time for the most part.
Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas
I never made it out to Richland Springs this weekend...I really never made it off the couch or my house. I just needed to save some money and not go out this past weekend...watched too much TV, cooked some great steaks in the mosquite-infested-backyard, and washed my dog.

July 13th

Friday the 13th! Happy Birthday Charlotte! Charlotte is an Austin friend of mine whom I graduated High School with in Kerrville. I think there is a group of us going out
funny racist
tonight and we'll probably end up hitting her Birthday party as well at 219 West downtown.

Gary Lux is in town for a couple of days...he crashed with me last night, and will again tonight. I think that he, JZ and Jeff Eckel are playing golf in Austin tomorrow morning. I would go, but it's too early, and I kinda suck.

Regarding today's picture...it's a drive-thru menu...hilarious. No, I'm not racist...it would be just as funny if it said "mexicans", "chinks", "japs", "white trash" or "gooks".

July 11th

I think that I'm booking an Elk hunting trip today for Alberta in November. It is a 6-day ranchland hunt for a large Elk Bull. I can take a guest as well for $600...that includes meals, lodging, and hunting with me, just no kill of your own. If you're interested, let me know ASAP. Was thinking that either Luke, my Dad, JZ or Gary would be ones that may be interested in joining me.
Elk Hunting - Alberta
It will be really cold...last year during this same week in Calgary, temperatures ranged from 16-22 degrees Fahrenheit. The Texas hunting season will start around the same time, but I don't typically see the big deer in Texas until December anyway, so I won't miss much. It's too hot in November, in Texas, to be sitting in a deer blind anyway.

I'm thinking of heading out to my deer lease this weekend. I need to take my travel trailer from my parent's place in Hunt out to Richland Springs. Then, maybe shoot some guns, fish, as well.

July 10th

So, we got the Divorce yesterday. Man, that sucked! It was one of the most difficult things I've ever done. I hated to be there, watching about 10 other couples doing the same thing before us.
Cara and Aaron Bulkley
Most of the divorce cases were just the women...their other previous halves didn't show. Cara and I were only 2 of all of the couples where we were both present. The judge looked really upset that we were getting a divorce, and asked us multiple times if we were sure or not. Again, it was tough, but I do know for sure that the marriage could not be salvaged. We had some great times, a lot of them, but in the end, we just have different plans with our lives, and as much as we love each other, we couldn't change those plans and ambitions.

Some friends and family have mentioned recently that I should be more courteous and respectful in my blog postings and pictures...let me say this politely then... "Go get your own damn website and shut up...This is my life and I write how I see it!"

July 9th

Back in the office today after 10 days off. My weekend was long and fun, so of course I'm exhausted this morning. Cara and I hosted a "diapers and beer shower" yesterday for Kris and Megan Jakob. They came in from Houston, and Cara and I wanted to host a party for them together, one last time.
Diaper Shower for Kris and Megan
They ended up with a ton of diapers, clothes, etc. Chef Bill, Kris's old instructor from Belgium, made an appearance with another couple from Belgium. I met some cool people, some of Megan's friends, that I hadn't known previously.

Today is kind of a rough day...Cara and I are hitting the courthouse to make things final. It's been over for some time now and we've moved on, but it's still an emotional day regardless. I do love her...she is an angel, and I wish her the best in the future.

July 7th

Went out tonight with Jenna, Taryne, Ronny, Gilbert, Joanie and Jason. We're hanging out at my house now...it's late, but we're having fun still. We're hitting up New Braunfels tomorrow for some tubing, then the Blue October/Alpha Rev concert. Come join us if you like...
Tubing in New Braunfels

July 3rd

I'm out of town for the next few days...heading to Stamford to hang with Joanie's family.

Everyone have a great 4th of July. Though I did hear that the fireworks at Carlos and Charlies, as well as the beach, restaurant, and bar, have all be cancelled and closed. What a bummer for Austin lake folk...
Aaron and Joanie at Speakeasy!

July 2nd

Monday morning...sitting at home, drinking coffee. I just did a bunch of laundry, and now watching my dog sleep on her couch. This is a vacation!
Brisket at the Pruitt Family Reunion
I'm exhausted after the family reunion this past weekend...there were around 60 people or so, I think. Maybe a little more. We ate a ton of food...brisket which Luke cooked for about 20 hours straight, jalapeno poppers, sausage, fresh corn on the cob, all the typical family reunion grub I guess. I put my boat in the water for a couple of hours on Saturday...the weather was kind of funny...it would look like a huge storm was coming, then nothing, so I didn't really want to jack with messing up the boat, and I left it on shore most of the weekend.

On Saturday night, the Turner's (neighbors) had a wedding reception in their front yard, so Joanie and I, Courtney and Chris, and my Mom, attended. It was Clete Turner's wedding, and like most Turner weddings, was a ton of fun. I had about 9 margaritas, watched an incredible fireworks show on the lake, then crashed early. We slept in my hunting camper/travel trailer all weekend...so it's nice to get back to the city, and have a comfy bed again. I have a ton of errands to run today in Austin...oh, and the lakes here are closed all weekend, so no boating on the 4th of July I guess. I'll be in Stamford anyways at the largest amateur rodeo in the world.

Cell Phone Pics
Viola Hook Em
Rose Bowl 2010
Water Buffalo
TTHA Booth
Skinning Station
Elk Hanging
Poker Tourney
Under Construction
Zurich Fan Zone
Smallest Car Ever
Christophe Latour
Jason Duggan
Nice Rack
Churchill Downs
Paris Souffle
Front Porch - Terlingua
Hotel Paisano
Cool & the Gang
Edison in LA
Luca Hiding
New Work Computer
Austin Traffic
Vegas - Pure
Thanksgiving Turkey
Stones @ Zilker Park
My Axis
Austin Business Awards
Chuck's Pumpkins
Lounge Singer
Cats Sleeping
TX vs Ohio State
My 4 Wheeler
Italy Celebrates

3 yr old
Brave Hunter
Jesus is Watching
Best Buy Boy
Dick in a Box
Taco! Taco!
Cat Massage
Damn Hogs

Popular Links
Axis Deer Hunts
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Exotic Hunts in Texas
Buffalo Hunts
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Texas Elk Hunts
Axis Doe Hunts
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